New season grain exports begin

New season grain exports have commenced in South Australia with one of the first shipments for 2016/17 being loaded by Glencore Grain this week.

About 20,000 tonnes of wheat is being loaded onto the Gloria Island at Viterra’s Thevenard terminal, bound for Indonesia.

Philip Hughes, Glencore Grain’s General Manager, Trading, said Indonesia was a key export destination for Glencore Grain.

“Indonesia is the largest single importer by country of Australian bulk wheat, buying approximately four million tonnes annually,” Philip said.

“Flour millers prefer Australian wheat for its consistent quality, low moisture and good flour extraction.”

Philip said exporting grain was critical at this time of year to connect growers and international customers.

“Harvest shipping benefits growers as it keeps the supply chain moving and meets a peak demand period for end-use customers.

“Glencore Grain has secured a lot of harvest shipping capacity from SA and other states which will assist greatly in keeping the supply chain operating efficiently over the harvest period, particularly with the big crop that has now started to be received.”

Philip said the introduction of Long Term Agreements (LTAs) in South Australia this year had been very positive for exporters when booking shipping capacity.

“LTAs have helped South Australia compete with other origins to attract grain exports, which ultimately benefits growers,” he said.

“We also have greater certainty of shipments which helps when dealing with end-use customers.”

Glencore Grain is one of the top three grain and oilseeds exporters from Australia and one of the top three global marketers of wheat, durum wheat, feed barley, pulses, canola, sunflower and sunflower seed/oil/meal.

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