Provide feedback in Viterra’s postharvest survey

With the 2021/22 grain harvest drawing to a close, Viterra has commenced its important review of operations including opening its postharvest survey.

The survey seeks feedback from grower and carrier customers on Viterra’s harvest operations, services, customer service and communications.

Viterra Operations Manager Michael Hill says Viterra releases the survey each year to obtain feedback so that the business can continue to improve its service to customers.

“There are two different versions of the survey, one for growers and a shorter one for carriers. They’re quick to fill out taking around 5-10 minutes to complete,” Michael says.

This year, the survey includes questions on Viterra’s digital delivery advice, multiple cash payment options and port direct, all of which were introduced for the 2021/22 harvest as part of a boosted service offering to customers.

The survey also asks how the business performed in a number of service areas at site including dynamic binning, classification, segregations and opening hours, as well as asking for feedback on its online services.

“Viterra is also offering three $1000 donations to a community group of choice which can be won by entering the survey,” Michael says.

Customers who have delivered to a Viterra site this harvest and complete the survey with their NGR or trading name by midnight Sunday 6 February 2022 are eligible to win one of the community group donations.

Last harvest, Viterra donated $3000 on behalf of growers who completed the postharvest survey. The Waterloo District War Memorial Association, Cummins and District War Memorial Swimming Pool, and Navigator College Port Lincoln each received a $1000 donation.

The survey is available on the Viterra website and can be completed on a phone, tablet or computer.

Customers can also provide feedback over the phone by contacting Viterra on 1800 018 205, their local operations coordinator or operations supervisor.

Viterra will share a summary of results via email and on its website.