Viterra seeks customer feedback through survey

Viterra has released its postharvest survey to seek feedback on its operations, services, customer service and communications during harvest.

The survey is released each year to obtain feedback from grower customers so that the business can continuously improve and provide growers with a valuable and efficient service.

A shorter version of the survey has also been released this year for carrier customers to provide their feedback.

Viterra released this season’s survey earlier than usual, and has been encouraging growers and carriers to complete it as they finish harvesting.

The surveys are quick to fill out, taking only 5-10 minutes to complete, and customers who have delivered to a Viterra site this harvest and complete the survey with their NGR or trading name by midnight Sunday 31 January 2021 are eligible to win one of three $1000 community donations offered by Viterra.

Both the grower and carrier surveys are available on the Viterra website, on the homepage or under the grower menu, and can be accessed on a phone, tablet or computer.

Customers who would prefer to provide feedback over the phone can contact their local operations coordinator or operations supervisor, or the Viterra Service Centre on 1800 018 205.

All individual responses are kept strictly confidential and have the option to be anonymous. To go in the draw to win a $1000 donation, contact details are required to contact the winners.

The survey will be open until midnight Sunday 31 January 2021. If you have any questions or difficulties completing the survey, please contact the Viterra Service Centre on 1800 018 205.

Viterra donated a total of $3000 on behalf of growers who completed the postharvest survey last season. The South Australian community groups that each received a $1000 donation were the Cummins and District Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, Brinkworth Country Fire Service and the Swan Reach Country Fire Service.

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