Viterra releases postharvest survey results

Viterra has donated $3000 to regional community groups on behalf of local grain growers who nominated the groups when completing a recent postharvest survey.

The survey donations are a great opportunity to provide further support to regional communities where Viterra operates and the majority of its employees and customers live and work.

The survey plays an important part in Viterra’s postharvest review and the business thanks growers and carriers for taking the time to provide their valuable feedback.

Feedback provided in the survey helps Viterra to understand its customers’ needs so that it can continue to improve and deliver a valuable and efficient service. It enables Viterra to gather feedback on its operations, services, online platforms and other areas. The business uses these results to have further discussions with grower committees to have an even greater understanding about areas to focus on for the following harvest.

Viterra received positive feedback on its opening hours, classification, segregations and communications. Turnaround times and receival/elevation equipment were highlighted as areas for improvement. Viterra will have further discussions at an individual site level, and identify potential operational changes, process changes or potential investment that can be put in place to improve.

Dynamic binning ratings have tracked consistently overall since it was introduced ahead of the 2018/19 harvest. Around $3.8 million in value was delivered this harvest to growers who were able to access higher grades. More than double the number of tonnes were upgraded this season compared to last.

Growers’ responses showed they valued Viterra’s new warehouse to cash service, rating it as very easy to use and that it makes it simpler to transfer grain to a cash price. More than 20 buyers posted prices to purchase grain and around 4000 transfers were completed.

Results from the survey also showed that the majority of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with Viterra’s online platforms, and the communication received about site information, general business updates and safety.

Feedback shows that growers and carriers were pleased with the way Viterra responded to COVID-19 with very positive feedback on being able to deliver during harvest while ensuring the safety of everyone.

Congratulations to the three survey winners and their nominated community groups:

  • Tysan Mickan - Cummins and District War Memorial Swimming Pool,
  • Kingsley MacDonald - Navigator College Port Lincoln, and
  • Robin Schwartz - Waterloo District War Memorial Association.

A summary of results from the postharvest survey is available online at

Preparations are underway for the 2021/22 harvest and Viterra remains busy meeting strong demand for South Australian grain, which is being outturned for domestic and international customers through its supply chains.

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