Promoting South Australian grain to end-use markets

Glencore Agriculture promoted South Australian grain and the Viterra supply chain to end-use customers in Indonesia and China at the annual Australian Grains Industry Conference (AGIC) Asia in March.

Glencore Agriculture Senior Commercial Manager Lyndon Asser and Director of Trading in Singapore Andrew Vroland were guest speakers at the conference attended by end use customers, particularly food and feed millers.

Lyndon and Andrew spoke about the quality and reliability of grain produced by South Australian growers, and sourced through Viterra’s system providing an efficient and customised service for end-use customers and the high level of accreditation and standards maintained to ensure grain supplied to customers is food safe and meets their quality requirements.

The presentations will highlight the year’s crop production with an in-depth look at wheat and barley.

Glencore Agriculture and Viterra are also sponsors of the event.

As part of its focus on promoting grain and the supply chain in South Australia, Glencore Agriculture and Viterra host many international end-use customers who spend time touring facilities throughout the supply chain and see the high level of quality management in place.

Customers have the opportunity to see Viterra’s new state of the art $3 million laboratory, as well as upcountry and port terminal facilities that meet the highest international standards in food safety and quality management.

These important visitors also meet with South Australian growers and often visit their properties.

Seeing the facilities and processes first hand gives end use customers a high level of confidence in Viterra’s supply chain meeting their quality and food safety requirements, while also strengthening Glencore Agriculture and Viterra’s relationships with end users.

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