Post harvest deliveries

Viterra reminds growers that grain delivered from 1 March 2019 will be received under the Post Harvest Delivery procedure.

Viterra is providing growers with delivery options for grain remaining on farm with some sites in each region available for deliveries by appointment.

The Post Harvest Delivery Procedure is implemented to ensure grain is fit for purpose and that grain meets the needs of customers and export markets.

The procedure involves completing a Post Harvest Delivery Declaration Form and may require a sample for chemical residue testing before the grain is delivered. Growers are asked to plan their deliveries in advance as results from the chemical residue testing can take up to ten business days. This is in addition to the Delivery Advice and Declaration Form and the grower receival classification process.

Growers can make a post harvest delivery by first calling the contact listed on the Viterra website to make an appointment.

All wheat and barley deliveries will be subject to falling number and RVA (rapid viscosity) testing. These tests have been implemented due to a decline in quality following multiple wet weather events during harvest, despite grain not always showing visual signs of being shot or sprouted.

Further information on which sites, commodities and grades will be available subject to the Post Harvest Delivery procedure from 1 March, is available on the Viterra website, under the Growers section, or by calling your regional office.

Viterra is reviewing its harvest operations as the 2018/19 season winds up and will continue to seek feedback from growers to start planning for the next season. Viterra will work closely with growers in the lead up to the 2019/20 harvest to ensure it is providing a flexible and efficient service to meet growers’ needs.