Viterra has invested $7 million into its Port Giles and Wallaroo port terminals to ensure their long-term sustainability. The investment comes ahead of a strong export shipping schedule this year.
A major $5 million upgrade at Port Giles which has reached completion, is the largest major improvement works in the company’s network for the 2020/21 season and helps to efficiently manage the movement of grain. It includes upgrades to the port terminal’s bulk loading plant, electrical equipment, steel storage bins and installing new CCTV for employees to monitor grain on conveyor belts.
At Wallaroo, works are underway on the second stage of a $2 million project, replacing steel structural support for its vessel loading equipment.
Viterra Operations Manager Central region Jack Tansley says the focus at both locations is on continuing to provide value to local growers who deliver into the sites, by maintaining these key export terminals for South Australian grain.
“These major projects reflect Viterra’s continued investment into maintaining our port terminals and ongoing commitment to delivering a valuable service to both grower and buyer customers,” Jack says.
Viterra invests up to $40 million into its sites each year, where it provides the greatest value to its customers through creating efficiencies, improving reliability and ensuring the long-term sustainability of its infrastructure.
“We have strong demand for grain from our system with back-to-back vessels booked by multiple exporters who are sending grain to various destinations,” Jack says.
“It is a real positive for growers that we are experiencing constant demand from the 25 buyers in our system who have already purchased new season grain, including 11 exporters. This greatly benefits growers who deliver into Viterra as they have a number of options on who they sell their grain to.”
More than 200,000 tonnes of wheat and lentils will be loaded across the two terminals this month, as part of Viterra’s shipping schedule of around 1.8 million tonnes from across the state set to be exported by the end of January. With export demand strong, a solid shipping schedule will continue until May.
“With harvest wrapping up, we look forward to working with grower customers, taking on board their feedback to ensure our operations and services continue to meet their needs,” Jack says.
“We encourage grower and carrier customers to complete our postharvest survey which is available on our website, viterra.com.au.”