Growers sourcing stock feed as dry conditions continue

An increasing number of growers are accessing their warehoused grain in Viterra’s system to feed livestock as dry conditions continue.

Viterra has undertaken 200 outturn movements back to growers in the past six weeks, consisting of nearly 5000 tonnes of feed barley and wheat.

Michael Hill, Group Operations Manager, said Viterra was facilitating the outturns to meet growers’ need for stockfeed.

“It has been a very dry start to the year in the northern cropping areas and a number of growers also run sheep,” Michael said.

“We have been receiving an increasing number of calls from growers keen to access their unsold grain in warehouse.

“We are accommodating any size outturn, but most are individual truck loads as growers wait for the season to break.”

Michael said Viterra had made more grain available in the affected areas.

“We are managing the grain within our network to ensure more feed barley is available in the areas most in need, such as the Upper Eyre Peninsula, Upper North, Mid North and Upper Mallee.

“Growers should call their Regional Office if they wish to access their warehoused grain. Hopefully some meaningful rain comes soon and that will help.”

Glencore Agriculture’s Accumulation team has also been fielding calls from growers looking to purchase grain to feed their stock.

Benn Oliver, SA Accumulation Manager, said growers had been purchasing spot loads of grain from Glencore Agriculture on an ex-store basis from a Viterra site as close as possible to their farm.

“We’ve been able to service over 50 growers in the past few weeks,” Benn said.

“For any growers looking to buy spot loads of grain, please contact a member of the Accumulation team on 1300 453 626 and we will work something out for you.”

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