Glencore Agriculture Senior Commercial Manager, Lyndon Asser, recently celebrated 30 years with the business.
On speaking of his time at Glencore Agriculture, Lyndon said he feels very fortunate.
“This industry has meant so much more to me than just a job,” he said.
“Having spent 30 years at the company I have always been surrounded by a great bunch of smart and hard working teammates, and had a good product to buy and sell.
“Agriculture is an industry that values quality, loyalty and relationships.”
Lyndon has held various roles since joining the company when it was ABB in 1989 as a Treasury Analyst, based in Adelaide.
“In 1999, I moved to Melbourne to trade domestic feed grains and in 2006 moved back to Adelaide to head up the barley trading division,” Lyndon said.
“In 2011, I had the opportunity to move overseas to Geneva in Switzerland to join the global barley office and in 2012, I moved to Rotterdam in The Netherlands as joint head of Glencore Agriculture’s global barley desk.
“In 2015, it was time to return to Australia which is when I took up my current role of Senior Commercial Manager.”
As well as working for Glencore Agriculture, Lyndon is president of the Australian Grain Exporters Council, board member of Grain Trade Australia and Grain Industry Market Access Forum , and a member of the Australian Grain Industry Discussion Group.