Keeping everyone safe this harvest

Viterra is seeking the support of its grower and carrier customers to ensure a safe and successful harvest.


Viterra Chief Operations Officer, James Murray says Viterra’s number one priority is to ensure everyone who attends the company’s sites returns home safely.

“We want to keep everyone safe, and we ask visitors to our sites to help us in our focus by remaining aware of the sort of incidents that can put people at risk, and what we can do together to minimise them,” James says.

James says uncontrolled vehicle movements, collisions with grid structures causing objects to fall, and not following the road rules including the use of mobile phones while operating trucks, are all incidents which have occurred previously, putting the safety of those around at risk.

“These incidents most commonly occur as a result of a momentary lapse in concentration or misjudging distance, which can happen to anyone.

“With a higher number of inexperienced workers employed during harvest, including those driving trucks, it’s important we all remain aware of the sort of incidents that can put people at risk and put controls in place to reduce the risk.

“We’re all responsible for safety, please help us work together to make it our safest harvest yet. If you are ever unsure, stop and speak to one of our team who will be more than happy to help.”

Visitors to site can assist Viterra in ensuring a safe and successful harvest by:

  • checking their safety card is up to date
  • understanding Viterra’s site safety rules and updated traffic management plans
  • understanding their truck mass requirements and accessing Viterra’s updated truck book and charts to find heavy vehicle mass information relevant to them
  • taking actions such as using park brakes and alarms, and waiting until the trailer if fully lowered before moving, to minimise the chance of truck incidents occurring
  • following the directions of Viterra employees.

More information about safety on site, including traffic management plans and updated truck books and charts, can be accessed at

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