As the 2021/22 season draws to a close, Viterra is welcoming postharvest grain deliveries from growers who have kept their grain on farm, with deliveries available by appointment through each regional office.
Growers are also reminded that grain delivered to a Viterra site from 1 February 2022 will be received under the postharvest delivery procedure.
Viterra Operations Manager Michael Hill says the procedure is to ensure grain meets the needs of buyers and export markets.
“To maintain market access for South Australian grain, it’s really important for us and growers, that we test the grain coming into our system,” Michael says.
As part of its food safety and quality management testing, Viterra is asking growers to complete a postharvest delivery declaration form, along with the delivery advice and declaration form, and grower receival classification process. All wheat (except SFW1 and FED1 grades) and malt barley will also be tested for falling numbers to ensure the quality has been maintained during storage on farm.
Michael says that Viterra made changes last harvest to make it easier and more efficient for growers to make postharvest deliveries.
“Growers mostly no longer need to provide a grain sample for chemical residue testing prior to delivery and can check beforehand with their regional Viterra office,” Michael says.
If they prefer, growers can still provide a sample for indicative classification and/or chemical residue testing before they deliver their grain to Viterra but need to plan this in advance as chemical results can take up to ten business days.
In line with Viterra’s harvest quality and food safety processes, Viterra will continue to carry out chemical residue testing on all delivered grain and retain samples of individual grower loads for traceability across all commodities.
“We’ll continue to classify grower loads when we receive them. If a segregation is not available for a specified grade, growers can speak to a supervisor at site to discuss an alternative delivery option,” Michael says.
Growers can find information on which sites and grades are available, and to arrange a time to make a delivery, by visiting the Viterra website or by contacting their regional office. Viterra has communicated the postharvest delivery procedure directly to growers via SMS and app notification.