A local grower has made the first delivery of new season grain for Viterra’s Eastern region into its Monarto South site.
Inglebrae grower Tyson Paech delivered the load of barley on Wednesday 3 November.
Viterra Operations Manager for the Eastern region Jo Klitscher says sites in the region are ready to go for the harvesting period.
“Growers have been attending our preharvest meetings across the region before getting into their paddocks, which has been a great opportunity to speak with them ahead of one of their busiest times,” Jo says.
“We’ll continue to work closely with growers during harvest to understand and respond to their needs, so that they can get their crops off as quickly as possible. Our focus is to help deliver a safe and efficient harvest.”
Viterra has boosted its grower services offerings for its customers this harvest with the introduction of multiple cash payment options and the new digital delivery advice to save growers’ time and streamline their delivery process.
“This will help growers as they look to have an efficient delivery process as they can prefill their regularly entered information, complete a delivery advice in four steps and duplicate delivery advices,” Jo says.
“It also helps to save growers’ time at site by reducing the amount of information manually entered at classification by sending delivery advices electronically to site.”
Viterra also has multiple cash payment options available at site with the introduction of sustainable cash prices at site and its new extended payment terms available through warehouse to cash, which offers longer payment terms.
“Growers have greater options and flexibility for selling their grain while also enjoying the benefits of warehouse to cash which enables them to instantly sell and transfer their warehoused grain to a cash price.”