While growers are starting seeding and beginning the 2021/22 harvest cycle, Viterra is busy looking after the grain it has in storage to maintain quality standards before outturning grain from the network to head out to end use customers.
Viterra undertakes a number of activities on site to ensure ongoing grain quality in storage and that end users receive stock that meets their requirements. A strong focus on food safety and quality management is integrated into all of the company’s operations.
Viterra Operations Manager Michael Hill says once growers deliver their harvested grain into our network of 55 sites, we start to treat it every three months to maintain its quality and hygiene.
“Our operational team conducts quality stock checks each month which involves visual inspection of samples taken from every cell and bunker,” Michael says.
Employees also need to undertake recording of grain stock checks and maintain housekeeping standards. This includes cleaning equipment and storage areas once they have been emptied of grain.
To initiate the process of outturning grain, Viterra undertakes the selection of stocks to deliver grain to its end use customers based on exact quality specifications and requirements.
Michael says the process of outturning grain involves a great deal of planning with employees from across the business.
“The grain goes through a rigorous classification process as it is loaded at our upcountry sites for road and rail movements,” Michael says.
“A composite sample is taken for trains, which is a sample taken for a set volume of grain depending on the commodity.
For road transport, each truck is tested following the same classification process as drivers delivering grain to Viterra sites during harvest. The classification process involves taking a sample to test moisture, protein and screenings.
The road and rail movements head directly to end use customers in the domestic market or are transferred to port terminals. Viterra applies further testing if the grain is being loaded onto vessels for the export market.