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Weekly harvest report

Week ending Sunday 8 December 2024 report

  2 - 8 December 2024 Total 2024/25 harvest**
Viterra total receivals* 412,080 tonnes 2,462,051 tonnes
Western region receivals 191,069 tonnes 1,199,321 tonnes
Central region receivals 137,484 tonnes 946,004 tonnes
Eastern region receivals 83,527 tonnes 316,726 tonnes

Growers delivered 410,000 tonnes to Viterra last week, with wheat making up the majority of tonnes.

Viterra Western region Operations Manager, Nick Pratt says most of the region’s activity was at sites on the lower Eyre Peninsula.

“With the weather improving for harvesting the Western region received more than double the tonnes last week compared to the week before,” Nick says.

“Deliveries into Cummins, Tumby Bay, Rudall and Port Lincoln made up most of the receivals.

“As well as receiving growers’ grain, we are also working to move grain to Port Lincoln for export with some upcoming wheat and lentil shipments at the terminal.”

Viterra Central region Operations Manager, Jack Tansley says deliveries are still rolling in across the Central region.

“Our Yorke Peninsula (YP) sites were busy last week, with Port Giles receiving the most tonnes for the Central region,” Jack says. 

“On the upper YP, deliveries to Wallaroo and Ardrossan are still strong but we are seeing them start to slow down as some growers in the area wrap up their harvest.

“Elsewhere, Roseworthy and Gladstone also received good tonnes for the week.”

Viterra Eastern region Operations Manager, Andrew Cannon says Thursday was the biggest day for the region so far.

“It was great to have some good harvesting weather late last week, allowing deliveries to sites in the murray mallee and south east to continue and the northern areas of the region to finish up,” Andrew says.

“In the areas still going, we are starting to see a shift to wheat as the major commodity as growers wrap up their canola harvest.”

Viterra Port Giles.png
Deliveries to Viterra Port Giles

* This data is subject to variation due to individual site operations and the timing of reports.
** The total 2024/25 data includes grain received into Viterra’s storage and handling network since 10 October 2024.

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