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Weekly harvest report

Week ending Sunday 30 October 2016 report

  Week ending 30 October 2016 Total 2016/17 harvest**
Viterra total receivals* 30,712 tonnes 33,977 tonnes
Western region receivals 27,255 tonnes 30,163 tonnes
Central region receivals 3,458 tonnes 3,814 tonnes
Eastern region receivals*** 0 tonnes 0 tonnes


Receivals have picked up over the past week with 30,000 tonnes of grain delivered into Viterra sites.

Deliveries increased throughout the week, with the largest receival day being Saturday 29 October with more than 7000 tonnes.

Receivals have been mainly in the Western region, which has had 89 per cent of the state’s total.

Viterra’s Export Select rates have reduced for the fourth year running, helping cut the costs of exporting grain for both growers and marketers.

The rates have once again been adopted by Grain Trade Australia (GTA) as the GTA Location Differentials for the 2016/17 season. 

Securing harvest shipping has allowed all growers to deliver APW1, ASW1, NIPT1 and PEAK into Inner Harbour until further notice. All other grades are open for local growers only.

A range of commodities have been received at Western region sites, including barley, wheat, peas, canola and lupins.

Construction of about 385,000 tonnes of additional storage at sites across the Eyre Peninsula has been progressing well and will be ready for the peak of harvest.

Harvest shipping has allowed all growers to deliver F1 direct into Port Lincoln. 

A small number of growers have started harvest in the Central region with barley, wheat and peas making up the total receivals so far.

The warmer weather last week was very welcome, with the cool and damp weather on the weekend steadying things down again. 

Deliveries into Viterra sites in the Eastern region have yet to commence.



* This data is subject to variation due to individual site operations and the timing of reports.
** The total 2016/17 data includes grain received into Viterra’s storage and handling network since 3 October 2016.
*** Eastern region data includes Inner Harbour and Victorian sites.

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