8-14 November | Total 2021/22 harvest** | |
Viterra total receivals* | 168,358 tonnes | 425,100 tonnes |
Western region receivals | 53,757 tonnes | 168,726 tonnes |
Central region receivals | 101,258 tonnes | 237,608 tonnes |
Eastern region receivals*** | 13,343 tonnes | 18,766 tonnes |
Growers delivered more than 165,000 tonnes into Viterra sites last week, with total receivals for the 2021/22 harvest at just over 425,000 tonnes.
Viterra Operations Manager Michael Hill says the business is ready and will continue to work closely with growers.
"We will make sure we're in contact with growers so that once the weather fines up and they're ready to start reaping and delivering into sites, we have services in place that meet their needs," Michael says.
"We have the flexibility to extend opening hours until late which is important given the seasonal conditions, and we'll also work to ensure turnaround times are as efficient as possible."
Viterra released its new digital delivery advice which will also help to save time for growers and streamline their delivery process.
"We encourage grower customers to try it out as they can save time by prefilling regularly entered information, duplicating delivery advices, and reducing the amount of information entered while a load is being classified," Michael says.
Viterra Operations Manager for the Western region Nick Pratt says deliveries in the Western region were mainly into mid and upper Eyre Peninsula sites.
"Growers delivered well into the week at our Arno Bay, Lock, Wudinna, Witera, Thevenard and Kimba sites ahead of weather conditions coming through," Nick says.
The majority of deliveries from growers on the Eyre Peninsula has been barley, followed by wheat and canola.
In the Central region, growers delivered early in the week, with Tuesday being the biggest day for receivals so far this harvest ahead of weather slowing things down for the remainder of the week.
Viterra Operations Manager for the Central region Jack Tansley says growers have delivered into 13 sites in the region so far.
"Growers were delivering wheat, barley, canola, lentils, peas and faba beans during the week, which included strong deliveries of lentils at Ardrossan," Jack says.
In the Eastern region, growers and their first loads were welcomed at Viterra's Karoonda, Lameroo and Loxton sites, with nine sites now having taken their first loads.

* This data is subject to variation due to individual site operations and the timing of reports.
** The total 2021/22 data includes grain received into Viterra’s storage and handling network since 6 October 2021.
*** Eastern region data includes Inner Harbour and Victorian sites.