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Weekly harvest report

Week ending Sunday 08 January 2017 report

  Week ending 08 January 2017 Total 2016/17 harvest**
Viterra total receivals* 790,579 tonnes 8,210,598 tonnes
Western region receivals 38,670 tonnes 3,161,588 tonnes
Central region receivals 529,675 tonnes 3,569,421 tonnes
Eastern region receivals*** 222,234 tonnes 1,479,589 tonnes


Harvest pace remains steady across the state with more than 790,000 tonnes of grain received last week.

This helped bring the total amount of grain received this season to 8.2 million tonnes.

While harvest is nearly complete in the Western region and well-progressed in the Central region, the Eastern region is still in the peak of harvest.

Viterra’s 2017 shipping program has commenced with more than 120,000 tonnes of grain exported from Inner Harbour, Outer Harbor and Port Giles last week. 

Grain deliveries in the Western region have slowed considerably in the past week with just over 38,000 tonnes of grain received into the Viterra system. 

Receivals in the Central region remain steady with just under 530,000 tonnes of grain delivered to Viterra sites.

Ardrossan broke its season record on 6 January with more than 436,000 tonnes of grain received so far this harvest. 

In the Eastern region, grain deliveries are flowing with over 222,000 tonnes of grain received into the system last week.

On 2 January, Viterra’s Tailem Bend and Bordertown sites both broke season records. Tailem Bend has received more than 445,000 tonnes of grain so far this season and Bordertown has now taken in over 30,000 tonnes of grain for the harvest period.

Viterra’s Wolseley site broke its daily receival record for the second time this harvest, taking in 8,528 tonnes of grain on 4 January. The site is also building additional storage to accommodate the large harvest. 



* This data is subject to variation due to individual site operations and the timing of reports.
** The total 2016/17 data includes grain received into Viterra’s storage and handling network since 3 October 2016.
*** Eastern region data includes Inner Harbour and Victorian sites.

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