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Harvest reports 2021.jpg

Weekly harvest report

Week ending Sunday 07 November 2021 report

 1 - 7 NovemberTotal 2021/22 harvest**
Viterra total receivals*213,281 tonnes256,809 tonnes
Western region receivals89,636 tonnes114,981 tonnes
Central region receivals118,953 tonnes136,345 tonnes
Eastern region receivals***4,692 tonnes5,483 tonnes

Growers delivered more than 200,000 tonnes into the Viterra network last week, with barley making up the largest share.

Every region in the Viterra network is now underway with harvest following a local grower making the first delivery into one of Viterra's Eastern region sites. Inglebrae grower Tyson Paech delivered a load of barley into Monarto South on Wednesday.

Further loads of barley have since started to flow in to Apamurra, Pinnaroo, Tailem Bend, Dooen and Werrimull. 

Viterra Operations Manager for the Eastern region Jo Klitscher says sites in the region are ready to go.
“Growers have been attending our preharvest meetings across the region before getting into their paddocks, which has been a great opportunity to speak with them ahead of one of their busiest times,” Jo says.
“We’ll continue to work closely with growers during harvest to understand and respond to their needs, so that they can get their crops off as quickly as possible. Our focus is to provide a safe and efficient service.”

Viterra Operations Manager for the Central region Jack Tansley says the majority of the region's activity was at Port Pirie, Crystal Brook, Snowtown, Bowmans, Ardrossan and Wallaroo. 

“Growers have so far delivered into 13 sites in the region, most of which were open on Saturday so growers could continue to reap,” Jack says.

Viterra also loaded its first new season grain train with 2,400 tonnes of barley at Port Pirie, which headed to Outer Harbor to help accumulate grain for the terminal's first vessel of the season. 
"It's great to see growers' new season grain already heading out of the system destined for offshore markets," Jack says.

"We've outturned trains from Port Pirie, Snowtown and Bowmans this week destined for our Adelaide ports to load vessels."

The upper Eyre Peninsula has had steady deliveries of barley, with some wheat starting to coming in as well.

Viterra Operations Manager Nick Pratt says most of the activity was into Thevenard, Wudinna, Lock, Kimba, Rudall and Arno Bay.

"We're waiting for a break in the weather before we expect to see receivals ramp up," Nick says.

During the week, a grower delivered the first load of genetically modified (GM) canola into Port Neill. 

"We're very pleased to welcome the first load of GM canola for the Viterra network and look forward to supporting growers as they deliver the commodity for the first time this season into Viterra," Nick says. 

The first train with new season grain arriving at Outer Harbor after loading at Port Pirie

* This data is subject to variation due to individual site operations and the timing of reports.
** The total 2021/22 data includes grain received into Viterra’s storage and handling network since 6 October 2021.
*** Eastern region data includes Inner Harbour and Victorian sites.

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