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Monthly receivals report

Monday 6 May to Sunday 2 June 2019 report

  6 May – 2 June 2019 Total 2018/19 harvest**
Viterra total receivals* 1,002 tonnes 4,000,158 tonnes
Western region receivals 22 tonnes 1,932,688 tonnes
Central region receivals 107 tonnes 1,579,628 tonnes
Eastern region receivals*** 873 tonnes 487,842 tonnes

We received 1,000 tonnes of grain into our network in the past month taking our receivals to over 4 million tonnes. The Eastern region received most of this grain with 870 tonnes delivered.

High volumes of outturns continue via road and rail into the South Australian and east coast domestic markets to meet demand.

May was our largest month of shipping so far this year, with Viterra loading vessels on behalf of ten exporters destined for both international markets and the east coast domestic market.


* This data is subject to variation due to individual site operations and the timing of reports.
** The total 2018/2019 data includes grain received into Viterra’s storage and handling network since 08 October 2018.
*** Eastern region data includes Inner Harbour and Victorian sites.

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